Arias, is crafted by former Miss Universe and renowned actress of the Indian Film Industry, Lara Dutta Bhupathi. The brand is a culmination of Lara's rich experiences over 25 yrs, as an actress, model, mother, and entrepreneur. Driven by years of research and development, Arias has formulated skincare products that strive towards addressing the various skin care needs of the modern Indian woman. In addition to skincare, we also bring to you a premium range of Eau de Parfum and a wide collection of body mists designed to enhance your aura and add wave of freshness to your days.
Offering great quality at affordable prices our products are simple, effective and worth the purchase.
At Arias, we believe, “True beauty is when you celebrate yourself every single day. It doesn’t matter whether you are fair, dark, old or young.” -Lara Dutta, Founder, Arias.
Feel like a champion. Smell like a champion. With a range of deo and fragrance defined by a man who knows a thing or two about what true champions are made of. Get active. Cut loose. Hang back. Or double down on your goals and ambition. Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Run forth and chase your dreams with a spirit of defiance. The future is what you make of it. Shape it like Virat Kohli. With class and style.